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Tuesday, September 5, 2017

6 Reasons Why People Lie

People will lie for various reasons. It may be by different situations or intentions, a person always has a tendency to lie. Here are 6 reasons why people lie.

They want to believe in it

One of the reason why people will lie is because they reject the truth and wanted another reality that is more fitting for them. People always had thought what they believe is right. So when the things that they believe in seems to be wrong, they have the urge to prove it is right. The easiest solution to make a point about something that is not true, of course, lying.

They are used to doing it

People will always have the tendency to lie. Whether they think about it thoroughly or just by impulse. Lying is just like any other skills, if you do it repetitively, you get used to it. When a person get used to lying, that person will be able to do it impulsively. When a situation that doesn't favor him and is coming, that person is most likely to lie.

To protect other people

Although the intentions are good but still, lying is lying. People lie not just for themselves but also for other people. May it be to protect someone from an unfavorable situation that may come to them or to not hurt other people from the truth that they should be hearing from you.

To avoid consequence

If a person can lie for other people then that person can surely lie for himself. The most common reason of lying is to evade a consequence. Most people will not take blame or be accountable to a wrong doing whether he caused it or not. A person will try to avoid the consequence by avoiding the truth.

To retain control

People wanted things to happen their way. If these things go out of way, you lose control. In order to avoid that from happening, people often alter the truth so they won't have to deal with certain problems that may occur.

Lie that leads to another lie

Most of the biggest lies are came from a simple lie you decided to make. In order to preserve the lie you have made, you will create another lie, then another one and so on. Your lies will soon pile up and you will be forced to continue lying just to keep the simple lie you created from the start.
There you have it - 6 Reasons why people lie. No matter how you want to change it, reality is reality. You don't need to daydream or fantasize about something not real and try to convince it to yourself. You don't want to be the one known for lying. If you really wanted to change the things as it is, then stop lying to other and to yourself. Take action.

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