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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

6 Easy Tips on How to Deal with Anger

Everyone have their own reasons as to why they get angry. Maybe when someone or something annoys us, when things don't go our way or when we're just all stressed out. It may be just an emotion now but depending on how we react, it could be worse. Here are the 6 tips on how to deal with anger.

Identify the things that angered you

One can easily say he/she is angry because of that. This may seem easy but if you let your anger stay longer, things get different. If you're angry and someone asked you a simple question, you might probably yell at that person, right? A person can be more easily irritated if he/she is already angry. Be sure to specify what really triggered you at the first place and not those things that just added up to your anger.

Do not act impulsively

If you're angry, the first thing you want to do is release that anger. One of the most common ways is to direct it to someone else which is really a bad thing. You should always take a pause if you are about to do something especially when you're angry.

Focus on a solution

This is easier said than done because if you are angry, it will be hard to think accordingly. If you focus on getting even or just by venting out your anger to others, will the outcome be favorable to you? The answer is clearly no. Rather than doing than, gather yourself and focus on the right solution. What should I do to fix the thing that angered me?

Face it

If you don't try to deal with it then it will all just stack up until you erupt. You may not acted harshly now but if all these little things all adds up, you will eventually reach your limits. If that happens, then you might act harshly and impulsively. We are trying to avoid that so if you're angry at someone or something, try to deal with it with a solution that you came up with.

Stay open to other perspectives

While you're consumed by your anger, you will have the tendency to not listen to others. Though this is a hard thing to do, you must still try to listen to them. They are the ones who aren't angry so the chances are they are the one's who can think straight. It would be much better to have a calm person do the thinking rather than the hot-headed one.

Remember what you have learned

After you have calmed down and your anger subsides, you will be able to comprehend the things that just happened. Don't forget to not repeat what you have done wrong while you are angry and what are the ways you have done in order to avoid it. If you don't control you anger, your anger will control you. After everything has happened, will you be alright with the things you have done while you're angry or will you regret those things? Always keep yourself in check and more especially when your angry.

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